Missing In Action…Have You Seen Him?

a cooking pot and twisted tales


What do you do when a blogger that you have become attached to just ups and suddenly disappears into thin air?

I met an awesome Christian blogger and we were consistently  supportive of each other and I loved his quiet reflections. Sometime ago, he hinted on changes going on in his life though he was not specific and I didn’t needle to pry, but I sensed his unhappiness.

For several weeks, going on two months actually, he has neither posted nor visited and bantered with me like he would and after waiting for a while and missing his blessings sufficiently, I decided to go looking for him.

It was  a shock to find his blog was now private and needed a password. I sent a request for access some  3 weeks ago and not a peep.

I am almost tempted to mention his name and ask if anyone has…

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